『 Am I the hope you searched for in the stars? 』


『 Eyes to the stars, and never look back! 』

  1. NAME: Natalya "Nova" Vallencia

  2. AGE: 26

  3. ORIENTATION: Demiromantic/Demisexual

  4. ORIGIN: R-001


  6. RESIDENCY: Salus

  7. BIRTHDAY: May 30th

  8. STARSIGN: Gemini

  9. ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good

  1. SKIN TONE: Pale

  2. HEIGHT: 5'5"

  3. WEIGHT: 120 lbs

  4. BODY TYPE: 5'5 (165 cm)


  6. EYES: Mint Blue

  7. HAIR: Periwinkle, usually in a ponytail


  1. ADHD

  2. Deep-rooted fear of abandonment

  3. Anxiety when alone for too long

  4. Fear of complete silence

  5. Impulsivity sometimes inspires aggression

  6. Depressive state with confinement


  1. Fit and Healthy, but light for her height bracket.

  2. Extremely flexible

  3. Various scarring on hands and arms

  4. Large slice-like scarring along front of legs and torso from Ophidian incident

  5. Multiple concussions


  1. Stars and other celestial bodies

  2. People

  3. Jewelrysmithing/Metalworking

  4. Mechanisms

  5. Fireworks


  1. Silence

  2. Social Conflict

  3. Cucumbers

  4. Sitting too long

  5. Dwelling on reality


  1. To cope with the high risk of her job, Nova believes firmly in the idea that the stars are souls of the fallen. In addition, she sees shooting stars as scouts of the past racing across the sky.As of late, however, she is starting to question her beliefs as a whole. After all, how do you comprehend a loved one's soul's destination when faced with a fate worse than death?

  2. She has an old astronomy/star mapping book her father passed down to her. Aside from her father’s notes, the book was faded and incomplete. And since information was hard to find for her at the time, she merely filled it out herself with doodles and text of her own ideas of what it could have said. This of course means it is inaccurate, but she still holds these ideas to heart.

  3. While she hates cucumbers, she will eat them if cut in star shapes. This is because her father used to do so when she was a child, convincing her that they were full of star magic that way. The fact this was a bluff still hasn’t resonated with her yet.

  4. Her scarf was purchased for her by her father when she was younger, and she has held it as her most prized possession ever since. He also had one much like hers, therefore she is hardly ever seen without it.

  5. When shes upset, she often wears her motorcycle helmet everywhere to make it easier to hide her tears and continue her work despite her emotions. During these times, she talks less and relies more on hand signals unless she has to.

  6. She is fluent in a couple variants of sign language thanks to several friends who use it often! She also knows quite a bit of Italian and even some Russian!

  7. She is currently a Scout Lead and Head of the Search and Rescue Faction!


『Let em underestimate ya. And when they do, prove to be luminary.』



+3 When running, chasing, or evading

+2 to all attacks using melee weapons; causes target to be stunned

+2 to all in the group except the leader with this trait (only one Team Leader per team).

If another character were to take a hit near this Scout, this Scout can roll for a last minute save. If the roll fails, BOTH characters will take the hit, the damage shared evenly between them. (SINGLE USE)

This trait allows for a medic to make a ‘saving roll’ for a character who is unconscious or below 5 HP during combat. If you roll above a 10, you will be able to resuscitate the fallen individual to half of their HP; if you roll below a 10, you will give them +3 HP. Can only be applied to an individual once.

Roll 1d20 to burn/melt a target. If successful, the target will be afflicted with the burn status. Limited to 3 uses per event.


A high-powered rocket launcher that shoots unique star-like firework missiles at it’s targets. Once impacted, the missiles burst with a sparking firework-like display causing further damage. The gun was designed and created by Benji after quite a bit of begging from Nova.

A unique customized motorcycle that is constantly being improved speed-wise. The bike has a special “lightspeed” mode that causes it to light up and blast multicolored fire, giving Nova her “shooting star” trademark appearance as she races across the landscape. It also has specialized LEDs that has a mode that synchronizes to music.

A customized hammer in the shape of a star that offers quite a heavy blow to anyone unfortunate enough to be on the other side of a powerful swing. The metal is durable and hardy with built in LEDs that flash and glow with a hefty hit. High in aesthetic, low in stealth.


She is actually quite skilled in jewelry making and mini metalworking, using the hobby as an outlet for her energy. This is especially useful for her if she feels antsy or upset. She has a fondness for creating something beautiful out of the "useless", such as leftover scrap or failed projects. Many of her charms and chains are custom made, and she often uses her creations as gifts for friends!

Nova could practically ride a motorcycle before she could walk, and the sport has always been a part of her life for as long as she can remember! Riding is second nature to her by now, and she relies heavily on her custom bike Retrograde for work and leisure.

Being one of the only people in Salus with a rocket launcher, Nova has learned fast how to both use and create special explosive ammo for her gun. She also has extensive knowledge about explosives.

Thanks to the dedication and training of her father, she has learned his craft and is now able to read and map the stars for navigational purposes. This especially helps with missions and scout fieldwork at nighttime, thus she gets lost far less during the night. Daytime however... thats another story.


+ Excitable + Compassionate + Empathetic + Encouraging
= Emotional = Idealistic = Adventurous = Dreamy
- Distracted - Impulsive - Over-Accommodating - Stubborn

With her abundant energy and excitable nature, Nova seems to find interest in just about anything and everything. She desperately wants to believe the world is a place of hope and possibility, and tries to see all things within as what they could be, rather than what they are. This of course can lead to unrealistic views and expectations as she ignores reality for the sake of potentially greener pastures. Her idealism paired with her excitable personality, however, can also provide an encouraging combination that sees the best in people and their capabilities despite their flaws.Her compassion is her strongest trait. Paired with a strong empathy for people, she finds great joy in making others happy. Whether that be a calm night under the stars, or an exciting new adventure to distract from dystopian life, she is always looking for ways to make people’s lives a little more cheerful. Though as times and tragedies pass, the overly-cheerful natured Nova, while certainly part of who she is, reveals itself to be a carefully constructed persona made to offer only the best parts of a girl who fears the heavy flaws within herself. This persona heavily showcases innocence, and in turn tends to inspire a natural instinct in others to protect it, even at the cost of being seen as inferior or underestimated. And Nova, as a façade, is a self-sacrificial survival tactic - a role to play to ensure she never has to face her greatest fear ever again: the haunting silence of abandonment in a crumbling world.It is also during times most dire her impulsivity takes wing, giving her a boost of courage that proves useful in the field. Paired with her unshakable stubbornness however, it can be rather a catastrophic combination. She has proven to be quite the survivalist though, as many who underestimate her tend to overlook.With a people-pleasing nature, she tends to make friends rather quickly. Though her ability to keep them relies heavily on her interest. Oftentimes she finds her attention wandering elsewhere, unintentionally leaving others feeling ignored. When given a negative reaction, she is often quite taken off guard. Thus she tends to obsess over ways to gain their love and approval in any way possible in her over-accommodating tendencies. During these times she will ignore her own needs as well, as she ultimately finds her worth in approval from others. She also tends to be quite evasive in the face of social conflict, and will struggle intensely in finding blame within others. As she gains experience with dangerous individuals, however, she is learning how to navigate trusting her gut. Especially in situations with newcomers. Despite this, she will always give someone the benefit of the doubt. Once they have proven to be devastatingly damaging, though, she tends to completely drop them as a last resort, considering them a lost cause.


『The stars shine brightest on the darkest of nights.』



From her earliest years, Nova was nomadic. Raised alone by her father, she never stuck around in one place too long. It was through this life she grew quite dependent and sheltered, craving attention from whatever short friendships she could acquire. And so, in the aftermath of her father's death, she was forced to learn to find her place in Salus. It has now been 4 years since she made landing, and despite turbulence and tribulation, she has found a solid place here in the hearts and lives of many.✧✧✧

Stellar Nebula

Natalya was born into a turbulent world filled with tragedy and broken people. This was a painful reality her father protected her from best he could. Though her mother passed on in childbirth, her father spoke of her mother as a radiant sun- a beacon of light visible through the clouds. To Natalya, her mother became almost a mythological figure of understanding and hope- brimming with kindness and without a flaw - someone she was encouraged to be like most of all, especially in times of hardship or fear. These types of fantastical descriptions are what made up most of Natalya’s childhood ,as tragedy was desperately hidden by a rose-tinted shield.Her father’s name was Callisto, a motorcycle scout that had an undeniable addiction to adrenaline. He was a protective man who always seemed to keep a cheery excitable disposition. And despite his unpredictable life, he always made sure Natalya knew just how much she was loved by him. Unfortunately, his own quest to ensure his daughter never lost her spark for life often called for a level of half-truths or deceit. His fear of the world manifested into an overprotective parenting style that left Natalya quite naïve to the harshness of life. There were times of course, when her father could not hide the inevitable. This was especially so when it came to his anxious impulsive nature.Travel and change was always present within the small family. They never stayed in one settlement too long, and lived quite the nomadic life hopping from place to place. With the constant change, came little time to establish deep relationships with others. Thus Natalya was a rather dependent and lonely child when her father wasn’t around. While generally an upbeat firecracker of a child, this all took a massive turn after an accident took the life of another, all at the hands of 10 year old Natalya.✧✧✧

Star-Crossed Supernova


Natalya and her father had spent only a couple short weeks at the small settlement, one overseen by a select number of long-standing families. With Callisto working particularly hard to ensure the two were proven worth keeping around, Natalya was left to try her best making friends with what little options were available. Unfortunately for her, it led her to a rather manipulative child named Thalia Roverno. Thalia was the daughter of the man in charge of the settlement's scouting division, and her bold personality made her rather confident in her own leadership, placing herself above the rest of the settlement's youth. As one could imagine, this drive for control met with the young Natalya's impulsive firecracker personality proved to be a disaster in the making.The day of the incident itself is rather foggy in Natalya's memory, instead she holds traumatic snapshots of emotions, expressions, glimpses of sounds that haunted her for years thereafter. Being new and also quite the bold character, Natalya had often become a victim to Thalia's bulling attempts. Most of these, the girl tried her best to overlook for the sake of peace, though it all came to a head after weeks of buildup burst into a furious pushback, finally triggered by Thalia's harsh criticism of Natalya's father. Though these were based entirely on rumors the girl was merely repeating, they were certainly targeted towards the protective Natalya, and in turn, the girl found herself lunging forward in an aggressive attempt to push her down. What followed was an irreversible accident that Natalya struggles to fully recall. What she does remember however, is the strange pungent scent of iron, the pool of crimson that gradually stained the locks of Thalia and the hardened stone stair below. Her stare of shock had permanently seared itself into Natalya's mind, the horrified shrieks of the children around her and eventually the agonizing wail of Thalia's mother. An enraged shout of her father, the glint of a gun barrel, the sharp sound of a blast piercing into the shoulder of Callisto who now clutched her close to him as the two made their getaway and never looked back- it was a dark day indeed and one that changed the course of both their lives forever.For many years following, she was tight-lipped about it all- bound to a lifetime of guilt and a debt she felt she could never truly repay. After all, if everyone is priceless and valuable, how do you make up for stealing what was never yours to take? The war that waged within her rendered her a person completely focused on serving others to a fault, her self esteem diminished to a seemingly irreparable low. And what once was a girl bold and full of spirit, became a child withdrawn and terrified of the permanent consequences of social interaction.✧✧✧

Circumpolar Kometa

Her life continued this way for a while, until her early 20s. The two had been traveling a good day and a half in their quest to a new settlement before their trip took a very dark turn. Encountering Guards of Phanes was not unheard of for the two, though usually their motorcycles could outrun them. Thus the chase started with confidence. Though it only took one lucky hit from a guard’s claw to send a poorly secured piece of Nova’s bike across the desert sands. Having just worked on it herself prior to leaving the last settlement, any confidence she held in her abilities began to crumble with her bike. Feeling panic set in, her father was forced to think fast- pondering all available moves within a short time. Unfortunately, as nova’s bike began stalling her speed tremendously, he knew time was running short. He had to make a decision. Telling her to keep going as far as she can till she reached a settlement and to not look back, he chose to become a distraction. By using his scout experience, he effectively lead the guards away from his daughter. Nova obeyed best she could despite the intense fear that engulfed her, only glancing back with the loud explosion that followed- a trail of smoke rising in the distance. This was all she knew of her father’s final moments.
With a sinking feeling in her stomach and her body coursing with adrenalin, Nova continued on her course. Her hand never left the throttle, even as her speed was significantly impacted. It wasn’t until her bike finally broke down completely an hour or so later did she begin to comprehend the reality of her situation. The launch from her collapsed bike felt little in terms of pain compared to the untimely loss of her father. Not to mention, she was now alone without a working bike miles from any settlement. After a while of just laying in the dirt, the reminder of her father’s words gradually pushed her to pull herself back up and keep going. Merely obeying his final wishes, she picked up her bike as well and continued her trudge across the desert with hopes she may somehow make it to a destination.
As the days went by, Nova was thankful she always ensured to bring rations and water. These things were a scarcity in the desert, after all. However, little prepared her for the empty loneliness that surrounded her now. Left with her miserable thoughts to keep her company, this was a time of great trial within the normally hopeful girl’s mind. With dwindling supplies and the reality of an uncertain future, Nova was desperate for any sort of clarity within her turbulent mind. Her greatest comfort was found in the familiarity of the stars- and the legends she herself clung to. The book her father gifted her years prior becoming her guiding force. This was also the event that further pushed her obsession with her beliefs. And thankfully, her rescue seemed written in the stars. For the coming days eventually brought the arrival of her savior- a settlement lead named Benji.Benji had stumbled upon the unfortunate Nova by chance and quite literally saved her life in the process. Nova showed obvious signs of some sort of trauma, and was in a complex mental state and hardly responded to verbal questions. Though there was one thing she obviously was in desperate need of - safety and shelter. Thankfully the Salus Lead was willing to oblige, leading Nova to the well-hidden settlement known as Salus. This the start of her new life without the man who had been her guiding light for so many years. Now she was truly alone, left to navigate life as such with only his slightly faded notes to live by. And for grieving Nova, it was the emptiest feeling of all.✧✧✧

Ethereal Eccentricity

The first year was the roughest, as she tried hard to find where to fit in. Fighting an internal warfare of emotion and trauma, she moved from job to job, realizing quickly that her sheltered upbringing left her lacking life skills that made her useful. Her clumsy nature and natural dislike of repetitive mundane tasks also made the experience tremendously miserable, making her even more distractible than usual. With distractions, came uncoordinated mistakes and negative experiences that added to her emotional plummet. She was also too afraid to attempt mechanics, as in her mind her lackluster job on her motorcycle led to the death of her father. It was in this dire time in Nova’s life, that Graeme, a kind-hearted man she had gradually grown close to, proved to be her guiding star.Scouting was a difficult trade. The high turnover rate paired with constant exposure to the worst Mars had to offer on earth made for a career not for the faint of heart. However, the life of a Scout took a special calling. It was a passing comment by Graeme about the lack of volunteers willing to risk it all for a distraction mission that charted Nova’s course to a new life.Overhearing the scout lead discuss the need for the mission, Nova perked up, ultimately begging for him to let her have the job. Graeme was very hesitant to let this be Nova's first mission, much less let her go at all. She very well could die, but to Nova it was a risk worth taking- a chance to prove her self worth that depended so heavily on how useful she was to others. And lucky for her, she turned out to be a natural at it. This moment was pivotal for her, and the beginning of a passion that eventually rebuilt the person she used to be. The excitement and rush of the job, paired with the opportunities to help others proved to be the combination she needed most. With her scouting success and gradual improvement of her mental health, she also found it most useful to attempt mechanics again. And though her expertise was limited, she found ample space to learn and tremendous minds to learn from. And now, 4 years since her first arrival to Salus, she has found a solid home and a stable family among many different kinds of residents there. And with her recent study of medics and even promotion to the lead of a faction very close to her heart - Search and Rescue, she has found herself striving to be even better than she dreamed she could be. And even more than that, takes great joy in granting others an unbreakable lifeline.✧✧✧

And though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light.For I have loved the stars too fondly,To be fearful of the night



DISCORD ID: Cuppu#0848
PRONOUNS: She/Her & They/Them

  • RP STYLE PREFERENCES: Multi-Paragraph, Short Paragraph, HCs are preferred!

  • RP POST FREQUENCY: I try to respond at least once a day! I can only handle a few rps at a time.

  • RP COMFORT LEVELS: I am okay with anything as long as it is tastefully done! EXCEPT FEET I FKING HATE FEET.

  • SHIPPING: Nova is not available for Shipping!